What’s Your Professional Target for Summer 2021?

Published by Yana on

People randomly buy and sell BTC just because Elon Musk has a new tweet and I think it’s not just unfortunate, it’s a symptom of bigger issues to come. (Well, there is an argument to be made that Musk is the new Trump on Twitter, but that’s beside the point.)

People believe that a) Elon knows something they don’t know, and b) a lot of other people follow Elon and will create or reinforce the pricing trend. 

Here is why this is a problem. Following the mass trends and doing what everyone else is doing has never created any wealth, success, or outstanding results for anyone. Most people on this planet, unfortunately, live paycheck to paycheck, and 90+% of customers registered on crypto exchanges or forex trading platforms actually lose their money.

BUT: it feels “safe” and “sensible” to do what everyone else is doing because we assume that everyone else who follows Elon cannot be wrong. Even though… the house always wins. 

We know theoretically that we should be doing what few people are doing and listening to what nobody is talking about…

So, here are a few not-so-hidden trends that are obvious, but not popular:

FinTechs are hiring while banks are firing (and will keep firing and outsourcing jobs to low-cost locations, especially when governmental subsidies for partial unemployment stop). 

  • I personally know of at least 10 currently open high-level compliance positions with great companies, they are looking and cannot find the right candidates because the skillset and experience they need are rare and hard to find.
  • Social media space got busier and noisier while old-fashioned networking and familiar ways of getting to know people got broken. In other words, it’s harder to be in the right place at the right time.
  • Knowledge and information are everywhere. You cannot impress your employers or clients with how much you know because from now on, it’s an open-book exam or interview format. It’s all about execution and implementation.

If you agree with me that it takes new skills and requires new strategies to get things done and stand out in this new environment, then FINTECH COMPLIANCE ACCELERATOR (aka FCA) can be your answer!

Here is what’s FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT about the FCA program:

Risk-free 100% satisfaction or money-back guarantee within the first 2 weeks.

I totally understand that you may have been disappointed or misled in the past by other service providers or online programs. This is exactly why this offer includes a full 100% refund within the first 2 weeks of the program to make sure that you have an opportunity to join and experience what FinTech Compliance Accelerator has to offer with complete peace of mind. If there is even a slight chance that this program can help you save time, increase efficiency or create new opportunities, to make a difference in your professional life, you should simply invest because you can try the materials and apply some strategies from day one and see if it works for you. Now you can invest in this program and in yourself with confidence and absolutely risk-free, no guesswork needed.

You don’t need to have a massive knowledge or massive network or long years of experience to create your industry reputation, if you join FCA, because my strategy is specifically focused on highlighting very niche and focused expertise:

Very often people who feel they have nothing to say or don’t know enough are people with very unique and specialized experience, people who know maybe just one area but know it super well. Getting known for something specific is the best place to start. You can take just one area (compliance in gaming, audit remediation, working with trusts/foundations/NGOs, bringing your business to country XXX, card scheme compliance, fraud investigations…) and become known for it on a massive scale.

Curious? – Read on!

FCA is a 12 weeks action-focused program to level up your FinTech compliance execution skills, help you complete more projects, and finally start building your expert authority! The program is based on 3 core building blocks:  

1. Make Time

This foundational fast-track will eradicate the daily routine hamster wheel and free up the time and energy you need to focus on professional growth using comprehensive policy templates, standardized annual reports and disclosures, audit preparation strategies, customer onboarding flow checklists, and other time-saving hacks. 

2. Build Authority

This acceleration module will focus on building your professional reputation and expanding your reach and will be delivered via the following LIVE workshops:

  • How to get known for your signature know-how, select a media or social platform, and start sharing your unique perspective and insights.
  • How to start building relationships with media, industry experts, and influencers.
  • How to engage with your growing audience, create a newsletter, strategically select speaking or teaching engagements.

3. De-Risk and Diversify Your Income

This fast-track will offer you simple step-by-step strategies to diversify your income, add additional income sources, and get ahead in your career. It will be delivered via 2 LIVE workshops:

  • Changing jobs in FinTech Compliance: Strategies for resume building, interview conversations, assessing whether this company is a right fit for you, completion of home assignments.
  • How to find and secure board seats and paid advisory roles with FinTech startups.

This is the first and potentially the only program designed by a compliance expert to empower other FinTech compliance and regulatory professionals, just like you, so that you can build the skills, authority, visibility, and influence. This cannot be learned at regulatory seminars or by reading laws and circulars.

My ultimate goal is to elevate the prestige and reputation of compliance as a function by helping as many regulatory experts as I can to become not just more efficient or competent, but also more influential and impactful.

It’s for that reason that I designed this program to be compact, action-focused, and as affordable as possible.

You can start today for just 500 EUR a month. It’s a small investment in yourself that can bring huge dividends in your future.

Click HERE to learn more about FCA and let me know if you have questions!
