The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Published by Yana on

War is a process of managing resources and people, and today’s episode is all about how to win a war without fighting. I have borrowed wisdom from Sun Tzu’s book, The Art of War, and applied these concepts to the FinTech compliance industry. 

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Today’s episode:

  • [00:40] What you can expect from today’s episode, which revolves around The Art of War, a book written by Sun Tzu.
  • [01:25] Examples of how to win a war without fighting (as Sun Tzu describes in his book).
  • [02:18] Why countries never benefit from prolonged wars.
  • [03:06] The main theme of The Art of War, and how it relates to the compliance industry.
  • [03:46] My new motto, is inspired by Sun Tzu’s wisdom. 
  • [04:34] Examples of compliance projects that become problematic if they aren’t finished quickly.  
  • [05:05] Sun Tzu’s thoughts about which kind of people make the best spies, and what FinTech startups can learn from this.
  • [07:30] Factors that will enable your FinTech to move fast and win.
  • [07:53] Why I initially disagreed with Sun Tzu’s idea of placing your army in a desperate position in order to win, and what made me change my mind. 
  • [10:25] A moment of appreciation for the wisdom that we have access to. 

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