Tech and Society

Published by Yana on

Alvin, Tom and Yana talk about self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, the past, present and future of money, and if the changes technology imprints on society can be predicted and guided. Or whether we are merely subjects in the maelstrom of big tech and big politics.   

Show Notes:

  • [01:19] Tom and Alvin have both spent part of their careers in big corporations and now they have the opportunity to branch out on their own. 
  • [02:14] Alvin has gone back and forth between big companies and startups. 
  • [05:20] Alvin talks about crypto and bitcoin and how it reacts with fiat currency. Crypto is more accessible than gold. 
  • [08:18] Tom and Yana debate whether the world has an ecological agreement. Yana makes a point about China, India and Pakistan where there is no consensus. 
  • [10:34] Access to International currency can create issues with International trade. Small businesses are the last to get access and pay the highest price. 
  • [11:29] Cryptocurrency can help solve these problems for small businesses. 
  • [13:24] Switzerland was one of the first countries to invent an alternate currency for bartering with local businesses.
  • [14:46] Switzerland already understands alternative currency, so they have an easier path to adopting cryptocurrency.
  • [15:13] Alvin points out how airline miles are traded. 
  • [16:04] Crypto has an open distributed ledger that no one can cheat on.
  • [17:32] Tom and Alvin discuss decentralized versus centralized currency and compare that to a self-driving car that may or may not need it’s human master. 
  • [19:41] Tom expounds using an example of a technology driven forest from the Ocean Protocol. 
  • [20:53] Alvin poses the question of will AI evolve from autonomous to some form of being close to self-aware.
  • [23:53] There may be a future where human controlled and autonomous vehicles drive on the same road, but humans will have to follow the autonomous rules. 
  • [25:29] FATF “travel rule” and how to use technology and blockchain in a smart way and not replicate the current issues and inefficiencies of banks. 
  • [28:02] Real innovation needs to give control back to the people.
  • [29:20] The two above pieces should align over time. 

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