How to Assess Your Results and Why Success Is Not Linear

Published by Yana on

This is the time of year for reflection, so in this episode, I share my theory on why achieving success for some people is so much easier than it is for others, why a high success-effort ratio isn’t always ideal, and some simple practices that you can incorporate into your life to start feeling more successful! 

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Today’s episode:

  • [00:39] An overview of today’s topic. 
  • [01:50] Two different roads that lead to success. 
  • [02:12] The facet of my life with a high success-effort ratio. 
  • [03:43] Understanding simulation theory. 
  • [05:39] My theory about why success is so hard to achieve in some areas and so easy in others. 
  • [07:06] Real-world examples of how life provides people with the challenges they need to grow. 
  • [14:57] Two reasons why you may be feeling unsuccessful in certain areas of your life. 
  • [15:40] Downsides of a high success-effort ratio. 
  • [17:14] The importance of deeply exploring your pain points. 
  • [18:44] The value of writing down your accomplishments. 
  • [19:11] What I am proud of achieving in 2024. 
  • [21:20] Valuable lessons you will learn in the free workshop I am holding on December 18th. 

Show links:

  • Join my free workshop focused on building a successful year here!
  • I would love to invite you to sign up for my newsletter. If you are interested, please click here.
Categories: podcast
