How AML and Other RegTech Tools Became the Candy Crush Office Game for the Compliance Department

Published by Yana on

Adding more features, data, and analytics capabilities to your RegTech tools may sound like a worthwhile effort, but it actually does more harm than good in the FinTech world. Tune in today to hear why this trend is more like a Candy Crush office game than an effective business strategy. 

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Today’s episode:

  • [01:02] The dangerous trend that is taking place in the RegTech industry. 
  • [01:41] How RegTech companies are trying to differentiate themselves. 
  • [02:35] The main purpose of compliance tools. 
  • [02:49] Why I don’t think the strategy that RegTech companies are using is going to work. 
  • [03:13] One of the biggest compliance inefficiencies within FinTech companies.  
  • [05:15] Why do compliance professionals often incorrectly believe they need more data.
  • [07:54] The mission of most RegTech companies. 
  • [08:27] Why adding unnecessary data is like a Candy Crush office game for compliance teams. 
  • [09:21] Advice for founders who are thinking about adopting additional RegTech tools.
  • [10:03] Let me know about your experiences with this topic! 

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