B2B Sales For Extreme Introverts

Published by Yana on

Selling products can be hard for introverts. Listen as Tom and Yana discuss why this is and ways to get around it. Making sales takes patience and a willingness to handle the hassles that might come your way. Yana believes that people shouldn’t waste her time. Either you want what she is selling, or you don’t. On the other side, Tom says that winning the prize is worth the hassle. Yana is an introvert, and Tom is obviously an extrovert, so as you can already see, they don’t agree on everything in this episode of The Hole in the Whole.

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Today’s Episode:

  • [00:24] Hello, everybody!
  • [00:56] Yana shares that she is very good at being an introvert.
  • [01:22] Why do people think B2B sales are hard?
  • [01:24] Tom shares his insight into this question.
  • [03:01] Yana believes that if you don’t want to buy the product, then don’t, but don’t waste her time.
  • [03:39] Tom says that the prize, if you win it, is worth the hassle.
  • [04:50] Yana wants to know the strategies to make the sale happen.
  • [04:59] Tom says to behave as if you have already won.
  • [06:41] Yana shares the feeling she wants to have while trying to sell.
  • [07:58] Tom believes that feeling high is where you want to be when making a sale.
  • [08:37] Yana speaks about the product she planned to launch but was afraid that it wouldn’t sell.
  • [09:36] Do you need external validation to remind you that you have an excellent product?
  • [10:26] Tom speaks about the duality of products of features vs. value.
  • [11:25] Yana says she learned that regardless of how you feel about your product or service, you still choose what kind of medium you want to approach people.
  • [13:24] Tom talks about positioning your product along the same journey that the client wants to take.
  • [14:23] Yana speaks about a book by Don Miller and what she likes about it.
  • [16:57] Tom says that when he is in a sales meeting, he feels like it is a teaching opportunity.
  • [17:28] Tom shares some final thoughts about being an introvert.
  • [17:55] Thank you for listening to the show!

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