I Don’t Believe That Information is Power…Or Why Compliance Function Cannot Be Just About Providing Information, It Must Be About Implementation Function

“2021 will be a year where professions that have been information-based will shift.” Today, Yana is discussing why she believes that the compliance function is an implementation function instead of just a providing information function. Yana argues that compliance has changed over the years, and since information is everywhere, it’s Read more…

Why Some B2B Consultants Have A Waitlist Of Clients and Charge Premium Rates While Most are Desperately Chasing Projects?

The financial industry has ALWAYS employed TONS of consultants, advisors, part-time project-based freelancers, and experts. You may be a part-time CFO, digital transformation guru, software tool developer, risk or regulatory advisor, product development or sales coach… What differentiates the successful few from the vast majority is that the lucky ones can Read more…
