Workshops and Training
Create Your FinTech Compliance Plan
This is your ultimate FinTech Compliance Performance workshop designed to help FinTech founders, CEOs, MLROs, Heads of Compliance, CCOs, and other FinTech professionals build, expand, optimize their compliance teams, set relevant goals, assess performance and resolve most common organizational conflicts related to compliance responsibilities and division of labor.
The workshop covers:
- Compliance team size, reporting lines, and the most relevant KPIs for each stage of your FinTech
- How to apply the ROI method to assess any new or existing compliance project.
- How to make decisions and resolve organizational conflicts related to compliance decisions
- Understand the real cost of compliance and make plans on how to optimize it
- How to make decisions related to firing and hiring compliance team and external support
After this workshop, you will completely transform your FinTech Compliance function from providing reports and analysis to delivering results that matter for your company, how to demonstrate your value, and gain authority within your organization.
The Rise of the Business-like CCO (FREE)
This FREE training series will teach you how to convert your knowledge and experience into a powerful career PLAN so that you can deliver results that your management expects, demonstrate your value, and gain authority!
The training covers:
- A clear step-by-step strategy on which actions to take as a business-like successful compliance leader
- How to deliver results that your management appreciates
- When to demonstrate your value and authority
After this workshop, you will completely transform how you view your career and success in FinTech compliance.
Complying with Appstore Guidelines For Crypto Services
To answer your most common questions and give you examples of arguments and explanations that have actually worked for other crypto companies, we are offering this brand new online masterclass!
The training covers:
- Appstore guidelines. Importance on in-app purchases
- What if your country does not have a licensing regime requirements for crypto?
- What if you work with a white label solution and do not actually touch crypto assets?
- What if you have a VASP license, but not for all countries where your services are offered?
- What about intra-EU transactions?
- What if the legal opinion you provided to Apple or Google is insufficient?
- Appstore guidelines. Importance on in-app purchases
Included downloadable items and templates:
- Live Workshop (~90 minutes)
- Downloadable Blockchain Compliance Operational policy template
- Recorded bonus training on how to add crypto services to your existing FinTech platform
Prepare Your FinTech for External Audit
You will access a 1-day workshop training recordings where you will learn how to set your FinTech company up for success during an external audit by preparing the right documentation upfront (and for the correct audit type), as well as how to prepare for the audit demo.
The workshop covers:
- Scoping the audit before it starts
- "Independent assurance audit" vs "findings and recommendations audit"
- Business overview, client profile overview, internal controls, and governance overview
- Preparing samples and disclosures related to: AML, Onboarding, High Risk Customers, Complaints and Disputes, Relationships with partners, Management approvals, discussing findings and deficiencies
How to Onboard Corporate Clients and Review Complex Legal Structures
The ultimate goal of this workshop is to help you streamline and optimize your onboarding process and simplify your decision making in relation to corporate clients.
The workshop covers:
- Information to collect at onboarding
- Risk indicators associated with corporate customers
- Risk indicators associated with complex legal structures
- Risk assessment matrix
- Downloadable templates for all topics covered
What you'll get:
- Access to the Live workshop via Zoom
- Access to the workshop recordings (~90 minutes)
Part 1: Scope, Information Collected, and Verification Steps Introduction
- How to detect customers that are serious and will be willing to provide you with the necessary information
- Information Collected from Customers
- Verification Steps
- Determine product eligibility matrix
- Find or define MINIMUM BASELINE requirements for each product
- How to quantify compliance impact on onboarding flow
Part 2: UBO/Legal structure review, Risk Flags, Linked Accounts
- How to adjust compliance requirements for clients from emerging markets
- The basic workflow for reviewing UBO/legal structure
- Red flags to look out for, regarding UBO of clients and the EBA “Risk Factors Guidelines"
- How to Assign Customer Risk Flags
- The risk classification of the customers
FinTech Product and Business Wide Risk Assessment
The ultimate goal of this workshop is to help you streamline and optimize all your Risk Assessments so that it does not take longer than 60 minutes to prepare.
The workshop covers:
- Executive summary with key takeaways and action plan
- Product Risks for bank and card payments, wallets, BNPL and crypto
- AML/CTF risks (covering FATF, EBA and JMSG criteria)
- InfoSec and fraud risks
- Crypto and VASP specific risks (covering FATF and EBA criteria)
- Governance and regulatory risks
- Operational and financial risks
- Startup environment risks
- Risk assessment methodology description
What you'll get:
- Access to the Live workshop via Zoom. Planned time 60-90 minutes (including Q&A)
- Downloadable templates for all Risk Assessment topics covered
- Sample Outsourcing Risk Assessment (InfoSec focused)
- The trainings will be recorded and you can access them later any time.
After this workshop you will be able to complete all your required Risk Assessments within an hour using the templates provided!
MICA Licensing for Self-Starters
This package offers step-by-step guidance and a complete set of documents and templates for existing VASPs in Europe to apply for MICA license – efficiently and on a budget!
Trainings and Workshops (pre-recorded and instantly available)
✔️ FinTech Licensing Planning Training
✔️ MICA Requirements Workshop
✔️ End-to-end Crypto Compliance Training
✔️ Compliance with Apple and Google Appstore Guidelines for crypto startups
✔️ Templates (updated for 2025):
- FinTech Licensing
- AML, KYC, PEPs, sanctions policies and SOPs
- Privacy and GDPR module
- Outsourcing
- Consumer and Investor Protection
- Information Security, including InfoSec policy
- Blockchain Operational compliance policy
- Corporate Governance
- Business-wide risk assessment
- Risk Management, Assessment, and Fraud Prevention
- Conflict of Interests and Insider Trading Policy
- Terms of Service, Affiliation and Loyalty Programs structuring
- Inter-Company Agreements and SLAs
- Detailed and comprehensive Annual Compliance Plan and sample Internal Audit Plan
- Token listing and token assessment criteria
- DORA-compliant disclosures
- FATCA and CRS compliance policy
End-to-End Complete Scope of Crypto Compliance
This 90-minute workshop covers the end-to-end complete scope of must-have (yet pragmatic) crypto compliance and offers you simple and easy to implement implementation guidelines that make sense!
The workshop covers:
- MICA draft implications
- AML/CTF Compliance
- Client funds' segregation
- Funds sufficiency/own capital requirements and own token valuation
- Token listing criteria and token risk assessment
- Conflicts of Interest (for example related to own token, market making, best execution principles)
- Fraud and risk management
- Insider trading controls and trading integrity compliance
- Products bundling and pricing principles
What you'll get:
Live Workshop and workshop recordings (~90 minutes)
Downloadable Blockchain Compliance Operational Policy template
Recorded bonus training on how to add crypto services to your existing FinTech platform
- Why certain banks or FinTechs are allowed to offer crypto while the majority still believes it's forbidden for them?
- 3 strategies for offering crypto services
- When do you need additional permissions and licenses and when you don't.
- Crypto offering within fiat financial services
- How implementing a closed-loop solution will convince your compliance to say "yes" to crypto
- Cross-border aspects: working with international customers and partners
- Possible revenue models
FinTech Licensing versus White-Label Solutions: Pros and Cons
Join this crash-course on how to navigate the choice between a White-Label Solution and your own FinTech licensing to launch your next product in record times!
The workshop covers:
Pros and Cons of Licensing
- Licensing pre-application phase for EMI and PIs
- MICA implications
- VASPs licensing
- Combining VASP and PSP/EMI license application processes
Pros and Cons of White labelling
- Choosing White Label partners
- Due Diligence requirements
- Card issuance
- Crypto offering within fiat financial services
- Agency/Distributor
- Commercial Partnership
What you'll get:
- Live workshop via Zoom
- Downloadable White-Label structures and revenue models, Template White Label/Partnership Agreement, FinTech Licensing Roadmap.
- Workbook with several examples of white-labelling structures, pros and cons of various options and relevant regulatory sources.
- Recorded bonus training on how to add crypto services to your existing FinTech platform.
DSA Implementation. Privacy Policy and GDPR for FinTech or E-Commerce
Join in to learn how to create, review or understand any FinTech or E-Commerce focused Privacy Policy and document your GDPR compliance in just 90 minutes!
The workshop covers:
Part 1. Privacy Policy
- Information we collect from or about our customers and why we need it. Q&A (data security, encryption, when data moves or does not move).
- How we use and share information and what are our customers rights. How to organize your Privacy Policy without relying on the Privacy Shield. Q&A (covered Privacy Shield, right to be forgotten, B2B2C models).
Part 2. GDPR Compliance
- Data Protection Principles
- Special categories of data
- Technical implementation requirements and technical architecture
- Record retention
- Data protection impact assessment
- Role of the DPO
- Documenting Data Transfers
What you'll get:
- Live workshop guiding you through all mandatory sections of the Privacy Policy (your external document) and GDPR compliance policy (your internal document). Both downloadable templates included!
- Step-by-step Instructions recorded live where we cover Privacy Policy creation process and important aspects of the EU-US Privacy Shield.
- Downloadable template for all mandatory sections and bonus content for your Privacy Policy.
- Downloadable Template for GDPR Compliance Policy.
- Downloadable Template for Data Transfer Appendix to use with partners and vendors.
Structuring White-label Solutions in FinTech
If you are considering a registered agency agreement or a commercial partnership to deliver your FinTech services but are not sure how to get started or how to avoid the associated contractual and compliance pitfalls, this recorded workshop has got you covered!
Over the course of this 1-day, 90-minute training, you will discover:
- Typical and atypical examples of white-label solutions and their implications
- The difference between a commercial and a registered agent in FinTech entities
- Compliance obligations for each entity involved
- The structure of a typical white-label partnership agreement
How to Open Bank Accounts for FinTech Startups
After completing this 90-minute workshop, you will have a crystal clear plan to approaching banking partners and will know exactly what to expect, what to say, and what to submit to successfully secure banking relationships, complete regulatory due diligence, and even reverse the previous rejection.
The workshop covers:
- Before you go to the bank (Company name, Trade Register information, Website content)
- Standard documentation package
- List of FinTech-friendly banks and their expectations
- How to approach the bank and prepare your documentation (How to describe your business model, prepare your flows of funds, explain your sources of funds)
- How to answer due diligence questions during your application review
- How to reverse the (initial) rejection
What you'll get:
- Live workshop about the most common mistakes, misunderstandings and misperceptions that happen during bank account opening processes and how to avoid them.
- Downloadable workbook with checklists, examples of commonly required disclosures and sample language to use.
Documenting Critical Outsourcing in FinTech
You will access a 2-day live workshop and training recordings on how to define and document critical outsourcing relationships in FinTech. You will also access all downloadable materials and content used during the workshop, including a customizable sample of an outsourcing risk assessment template.
- What is outsourcing vs using a software?
- What is critical outsourcing vs not material outsourcing?
- How exactly to risk assess and document critical outsourcing?
Compliance Performance A-Z. Managing Compliance Resources.
This recorded 2-day (about 1 hour each day) workshop is for FinTech founders, CEOs, MLROs, Heads of Compliance, CCOs and other FinTech professionals who are in the process of building and expanding compliance teams and are (likely) suffering from organizational conflicts related to compliance responsibilities and division of labor.
Day 1: Who do you hire and when is the right time?
- When to hire your first compliance employee? When and how do you build a compliance team? How much should it cost?
- Pros and cons of using external consultants and BIG 4 for projects
- Hiring interns and part-time freelances for compliance related activities
- The difference between compliance and legal
- What to do during your first 30 days in any new compliance role – your compliance onboarding plan
Day 2: Evaluating Compliance Deliverables and Managing Organizational Conflicts
- What compliance should deliver and be responsible for (in FinTech Licensing, Relationships with regulators and auditors, Opening bank accounts and closing partnerships, Product Developments and Testing, Customer Support, Conflicts, disputes, complaints)
- Typical organizational conflicts and how to deal with them (Compliance vs Product and Engineering, Scrutinizing and Approving Customers or Compliance vs Customer Support and User Experience, Compliance vs Marketing, Compliance vs Business Development and Sales)
Included downloadable items and templates:
- Access to workshop recordings and all downloads shared
- Action plan for the first 30 days in any compliance role with a list of key stakeholders and questions, ideas, talking points – what to ask them.
- Interview questions to help you hiring compliance expects.
DORA Implementation and InfoSec Compliance For FinTech and Crypto Startups
Training Agenda:
- DORA scope and implementation steps
- Available exemptions for startups
- ICT Risk Management Framework
- Documenting InfoSec and ICT Strategy and Objectives
- Implementation steps
- Outsourcing / Vendor management documentation requirements
- Included Templates:
- DORA-compliant InfoSec Policy
- Implementation plans for detection, testing and recovery objectives
- InfoSec and ICT Strategy and Objectives
- Information Security and ICT Risk Assessment
- Information Asset List and ICT Asset List samples
- Outsourcing/ 3rd party vendor risk assessment template
- Crisis Communication and Incident Notification sample
BONUS TRAINING (pre-recorded and instantly available): Documenting Critical Outsourcing for FinTech and Crypto startups.
- What is outsourcing vs using a software?
- What is critical outsourcing vs not material outsourcing?
- How exactly to risk assess and document critical outsourcing?
- How to define and categorize open-banking APIs, data vendors, KYC providers or fraud detection tools, intra-group services?
- Outsourcing Risk Assessment Example. We use a template and show you how to complete the risk assessment for a critical outsourcing partner (following the EBA Outsourcing Guidelines, but you can also use similar logic for most other jurisdictions).
FinTech Compliance Accelerator (FREE)
This FREE training teaches you exactly which actions to take and how to communicate as a high performing compliance leader, how to deliver results that your management appreciates, and how to demonstrate your function's value and gain authority within your company!
Part 1. Communications and persuasion skills module includes 7 workshops:
- How to get known for your signature knowhow, leverage media or social platform and start sharing your unique perspective and insights.
- How to start building relationships with media, industry experts and influencers.
- Changing jobs in FinTech Compliance. Strategies for resume building, interview conversations, assessing whether this company is a right fit for you, completion of home assignments.
- How to engage with your growing audience, select speaking or teaching engagements.
- How to find and secure board seats and paid advisory roles with FinTech startups.
- How to leverage LinkedIn and network online and become Top LinkedIn Voice.
- How to communicate with stakeholders and present compliance concepts using frameworks.
Part 2. Compliance Performance Module includes 4 workshops:
- Misconceptions and dangerous stereotypes about compliance and risk in FinTech. Most common mistakes FinTech experts make.
- Compliance performance metrics, KPIs and how to analyze results.
- Compliance Organization and Resources.
- How to make prioritization decisions and trade-offs with respect to risk and compliance in FinTech.
BONUS: Compliance Due Diligence Case Study.
Apply everything you learned in a use-case where you have to perform the due-diligence review of an financial partner (so that you do not become a victim of the next Wirecard or FTX)
Preparing your FinTech Startup for External Audit
This workshop will help you prepare your FinTech for a successful external audit or regulatory inspection from A to Z: in just 90 minutes you will learn how to negotiate and reduce the cost of the audit, how to prepare your audit samples, what kind of questions to anticipate and how to answer them!
The workshop covers all important audit focus areas such as AML, Outsourcing, Funds Segregation, Governance and Internal Audit processes.
- Workshop recordings (see the agenda below and a list of available downloads)
Sample Internal Audit Plan (usually external audit starts with a review of your internal audit work or by reviewing your existing internal reporting and policies) - Sample documents and policies you must have in place, such as the description of your Governance and Internal Controls, Code of Conduct, Segregation of Duties, responsibilities of the Board, etc. + Video guide on how to use the templates (14 min recording walking you through all documents section)
- Code of Conduct and Governance Charter Template covering governance policies related to code of conduct, conflict of interest, segregation of duties, BOD responsibilities, internal controls, 3 lines of defense descriptions, internal audit, and other core governance areas
- List of documents you must have ready to prepare for the AML Audit
- List of documents you must have ready to prepare for operational audit (risk, transactional review, customer fund segregation, data security audit focus)
During the workshop, I also teach you how to prepare for the audit demo and how to select the samples you show during the audit demo.
Implementing Russia-related Sanctions for FinTech and Crypto Startups
This workshop will cover 4 categories of applicable sanctions and offer step-by-step decisioning process for each sanctions category, address several most common concerns related to practical implementation of the Russia-related sanctions within FinTech and crypto startup ecosystem.
- 4 categories of Russia-related sanctions and decisioning algorithm for each category.
- UBO from Russia or Russian nationals and applicable sanctions and restrictions.
Assessment of the sources of funds and sources of wealth. Where does it actually help? - Group entities and/or clients based in CIS countries.
- Partners or banks based in CIS countries.
- Partners, banks or crypto exchanges based in countries with different sanctions regimes (supply chain monitoring).
- Specific industry and IT-related restrictions that may impact FinTech services.
- Responding to regulatory inquiries about Russia-related sanctions compliance.
Workbook with a summary of sanctions categories and the decisioning algorithm is available to download.
Annual Compliance Reporting
Over the course of this 90-minute workshop, you will learn how to approach all the core requirements and disclosures that must be included into your Fintech startup's annual compliance report.
The workshop covers:
- Annual MLRO reporting, key reportable AML metrics
- Preparing for AML audits (template and sample questions included)
- Annual Risk Assessment (template included) and Risk Acceptance Framework
- Execution of the Compliance Plan (template included)
- Effectiveness of the Internal Controls Framework
- Reporting incidents and special events (COVID, Brexit…)
Included downloadable items and templates:
- Annual MLRO Report
- Annual Enterprise Risk Assessment Template
- Annual Compliance Plan
- Sample disclosures on Effectiveness of the Internal Controls
- Sample Disclosures for incidents and adverse events reporting